[audio:http://thesoundtripper.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/01-Glad-Girls.mp3|titles=01 Glad Girls]
Get You High
by R.C. Avellanosa
You can't leave out "Glad Girls". It's one of their best songs. Stand and roll around the floor, shake your brains or jump and do the Superman pose. It's Guided By Voices ladies and gentleman and it's good the girls are glad. At some point, somewhere somehow, clouds form smiles. Buses and trucks roll in, as birds dance, flew over the sun on cities powdered by industries. Men on coffee shops and offices, dressed with forlorn, walking passing through sexy, jumping, dancing figures wondering what the hell they're doing here.
This should be the Australian release. I'd say the "Glad Girls" version here is quite the same as what's found on Isolation Drills. One true GBV fan could point out if I'm mistaken. This is neat and brilliant for a GBV follower. This should be around in one of your collection. "On With The Show", lines appeared on "Blimps Go 90", is the third longer track. "North American Vampires" lasted almost only a minute, with words about sensitive Einsteins and a crusty New Waver. River of statistics, shitheads and growing bank accounts, Pollard says "on with the show!"
Song Feature: GLAD GIRLS
Needmore Songs
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Doug Gillard
Nate Farley
Tim Tobias
Jim Macpherson
And they're alright
There will be no coronation
There will be no flowers flowing
In the light that passes though me
Hey, glad girls only want to get you high
And they're alright
There will be no graduation
There will be no trumpets blowing
In the light that passes through me
With the sinking of the sun
I've come to greet you
Clean your hands and go to sleep
Confess the dreams
Of good and bad men all around
Some are lost
And some have found
The light that passes though me
Notes on GLAD GIRLS by Gawdam Adam
"The dumbing down of America has been avoided, because the words “hip” and “hop” have not been put together. Mouseketeers end up working at McDonalds after their run is up with Mickey. The phrase “the next step in reality television” has never, nor ever will be muttered. Movies about football players starring ex-teen stars directed by washed up sitcom stars are outlawed. EVERYTHING smells and tastes like the beautiful flower of an untouched goddess. And Glad Girls is the anthem of a generation. Oh, and I’m the supreme ruler of all and people bow to my every need and desire. That about does it."
Band Link
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